Loans For Bad Credit In Ireland


If you live in Ireland and are in need of a secured or unsecured personal loan or a debt consolidation loan but you find yourself with a past or present bankruptcy, a less than perfect credit rating or have a bad credit history due to unforeseen circumstances, you may find it difficult to find a lender that is willing to give you the financial capital that you presently need. No matter what your current credit score is, there may still be a lender that would be willing to provide you with a loan. Our staff has assembled a list of these lenders that accept loan applicants for people with bad credit for unsecured loans (both short term and long), secured loans ( in the form of a home equity loan or mortgage refinance ) and debt consolidation loans. Please note that our company does not guarantee that you will be approved for any type of loan and our information is provided to the consumer free of charge.

Unsecured Personal Loan Lenders

e-Payday - Provides payday loans in Northern Ireland. You must have a debit card. Bad credit is ok, as long as they can determine if you can afford the loan and have enough money in your account to cover the loan amount plus the interest on your next paydate.

Contact Information:
1 Accommodation Road, London, NW11 8ED Phone: 08000 911 901
Email:[email protected]

Lenders That Provide Secured Loans ( Mortgage Refinancing And Home Equity, Pawnbrokers)

BorrowNow.IE - A pawnbroker that loans money against jewelery, watches, loose diamonds, gold coins and bullion, art and antiques, plus other assets. Secured loan service for amounts from 500+ Euros. They will offer you a loan of typically 30% of the cash value against your item. To secure a loan against your item they require Proof of ID (current licence or passport), Proof of Address (utility bill) and Proof of Ownership (receipt or copy of insurance policy with item listed). They operate under Licence granted by the National Consumer Agency of Ireland.

Contact Information:
Ely Place, Dublin 2
Phone: 01 642 53 84
Email: [email protected]

Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt Advisory Centre - A debt management company that helps with debt consolidation that doesn't involve taking out a new loan. They negotiate with your unsecured creditors and demonstrate to them what you can afford to pay and why it makes sense for them to accept lower monthly debt payments from you going forward.

Contact Information:
Debt Advisory Centre, 2nd Floor, 13 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
Phone: 1800 995 577

Although all information is written in good faith and has been reviewed, please email us at [email protected] to report any inaccuracies or if you would like to add to our lenders we have listed above.