Are you looking for a deal on a car, but don't have a credit score high enough to qualify for any sort of traditional auto financing? A Buy Here Pay Here car lot in
Washington might be your answer if you live within the state.
With Buy Here Pay Here, or BHPH, financing, borrowers are actually being financed directly by the company which is selling them the car. This could be a used car lot, or the actual car company if it
is a new automobile. Interest rates are usually higher on these types of financing deals, but they may be a good alternative to buying a cheap car with cash that may require extensive repairs later
on. These types of vehicles can end up costing you more than a decent financed car would over time.
The BHPH car lot in Washington you choose to do business with can be the determining factor regarding whether or not you have a huge monthly payment or an affordable amount due every month, so be sure to
comparison shop different financing options. Don't assume that just because you have a poor credit history, you need to be stuck with lousy financing alternatives for years.
While the car lot may not ask to view your credit report, they will probably want to know what your income looks like. Having a stable source of income is still crucial, even at alternative financing
locations like these types of car lots. You should be employed full-time, and be able to provide proof of this with three recent pay stubs.
The temptation to obtain financing at a BHPH car lot may be huge due to the ease at which you can get such financing in many instances. Still, you should try to obtain traditional financing from a
bank before resorting to BHPH financing. You might assume that you are not able to qualify for a bank loan, but there are banks which are known to be more lenient than others. Do a bit of research on
the internet before applying for a loan, and you might learn about which banks are the best to apply for loans with when your credit score is considered too low by numerous lenders.
Below is a listing of buy here pay here programs at car lots and dealerships in Washington, that we were told, are currently accepting applications from individuals for a car or
truck. Note: This list is to be used as a reference only and we cannot guarantee that you will be approved for a car or truck. Please help us keep this list up to date by emailing us at
[email protected] with buy here pay here lots and dealerships in your area. Please include the state and city where they are located.
My Town Motors
1516 Auburn Way North
Auburn, WA 98002
(253) 333-1995
Brian Harris Used Cars
622 South 1st Street
Selah, WA 98942
(509) 697-9119
(888) 309-1080
CarHop Auto Sales and Financing
8821 Evergreen Way
Everett, WA 98208
(425) 348-9100
1619 Auburn Way North
Auburn, WA 98002
(253) 333-9900
6001 Auto Center Way
Bremerton, Washington 98312
(360) 377-1828
8208 Aurora Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 527-1818
8021 S. Tacoma Way
Tacoma, Washington 98499
(253) 589-2200
Maple Leaf Motors
20310 Mountain Hwy E
Spanaway, WA 98387
(253) 846-5955
Further information and additional lists in many U.S. States on buy here pay here lots and dealership programs can reviewed at Buy Here Pay Here Lots.
The above information was last reviewed in November 2011.