If your in college, having a student credit card can be a great way to help you to get started with building up a credit history. These cards can also help with college expenses such as room and board, meals, books and tuition. We have compiled a list of some student credit cards available in Australia for college students.
Commonwealth Bank Student Card - This card comes with a $0 Annual Fee for the duration of studies, but the students must
have a transaction account with Student Options. Get up to 55 days interest free on purchases. Credit limits range from $400 for those just starting out. The credit approval process is tailored
specifically for students. You must have an existing Streamline account with Student Options and be 18 years old or over and studying full time.
Westpac Student Visa - This card is specially designed for full-time tertiary students. The card comes with a low annual fee of $30, waived in your first year. Up to 55 days interest
free on credit purchases as long as you pay your closing balance in full by the statement due date each month. Credit Card approval is based on income received from your casual job, part-time job or
AMSA Student Gold Credit Card from American Express - Comes with no annual Card fee, complimentary enrollment in either Membership Rewards Ascent or Qantas Direct, special offers on
dining, leisure and more with American Express Selects, membership rewards points with no capping and up to 55 days interest free on purchases.
Student Edge Debit Card from BankWest - A bank debit card tailored for students who want only to get easy access to their own money and not have a bank credit line. Available to full
time TAFE, tertiary or secondary students and apprentices or trainees. This account comes with no monthly account fees, no minimum opening balance, unlimited electronic transactions and 24/7 online
account access.
ANZ Access Advantage - The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited or ANZ offers Visa debit cards under their ANZ Access Advantage program for students who are residents of
Australia or are international students studying in Australia. International students can apply for a account and deposit funds before arriving to Australia. For more information on this account
please visit their website at http://www.anz.com.
Disclaimer: The above information was written in good faith, but we cannot guarantee accuracy or credit approval. If you feel the information is inaccurate or have a financial institution you
wish to add to our list, please email us at [email protected]. Please check with lenders for current interest rates.